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Free Fixtures

Water Conservation

... in the Bathroom

... in the Laundry

... in the Kitchen

Indoor/Outdoor Plants

Leaks and Detection

Leak Detection Hints


Conservation Tips (PDF) your pipes
Periodically, check your plumbing fixtures and exposed pipes. Listen for the sound of running water - many leaks can be detected by sound as well as by sight. Even if you cannot hear or see a leak, close all water outlets (faucets and taps) and check your meter just to be on the safe side.

... in your toilet
Pay close attention to your toilet plumbing, where leaks are often hardest to detect. A quick check can be made by placing a few drops of food coloring into the tank after it has filled and quieted, and watching for its appearance in the bowl. If there is a leak, then color should appear within 5-10 minutes. Even if no leak is detected, the test should be repeated, as such leaks are often intermittent.  The Department of Water also has dye tablets for detecting toilet leaks available by contacting our Public Relations Specialists at 245-5461.

... in your faucet
Perhaps the most common cause of water waste is the leaky faucet. Because a dripping faucet deceptively appears to be letting out very small amounts of water, this problem is often neglected. Yet a leaking drip that is 1/32nd of an inch wastes 25 gallons in 24 hours; one that is 1/16" wastes 100 gallons in 24 hours; and a stream of 1/8" wastes 400 gallons in a 24-hour period.

Check faucets regularly for leaks at the faucet head and seepage at the base and its connections. When a leaking faucet is found, no matter how small the leak appears to be, it may be time to replace a worn washer, which is something homeowners themselves can fix. The replacement of a simple rubber ring like this can save untold dollars in wasted water.

... in your yard
Automatic sprinkler systems make lawn irrigation easy.  However, these timesaving devices are also susceptible to leaks!  Irrigation system leaks are not always noticeable, so it is important to check the sprinkler timer, connections and heads for signs of a leak.  Wet or noticeably greener spots of grass near a water sprinkler could indicate a sprinkler in need of repair.  A properly maintained irrigation system will help keep your yard healthy and save water.

When you go away...
If you must leave your home empty for any length of time - on vacation, for instance - it might be a good idea to shut off your water valve so that if a serious leak develops while you're away, it will not flood the premises or run up a large water bill for you.

The shutoff or property valve is usually located inside your property, a few feet from the water meter. If a fixture or a pipe is damaged, your first move should be to shut off the supply using this valve. It's most important to keep the shutoff valve clear and within easy access, and in good working order at all times.





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