WaterPlan 2020

        Approved Rate Plan

        Water Plan 2020 (Final)



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Water Plan 2020

Approved Rate Plan


Charting a Course for the next 20 Years


Your Water Department and its governing body, the Board of Water Supply, have embarked on a comprehensive planning process covering all of Kaua`i's public water systems for the next 20 years.  This brochure provides basic information about Kaua`i Water Plan 2020, and the adopted rate structure scheduled to be implemented beginning July 1, 2001 and July 1, 2003


Why Water Plan 2020?


Faced with the challenges of aging infrastructure, new drinking water regulations, and the need to ensure a reliable drinking water supply for our community into the future, it is important that we plan ahead.  Water Plan 2020 will chart our course for the next 20 years.  It is our roadmap into the future.


What will Water Plan 2020 include?


The major components that are included in the plan covering the next 20 years are:


·           A capital improvements program that addresses existing deficiencies in capacity and provides an adequate future water supply for our community.


·           A capital rehabilitation and replacement program that addresses old infrastructure (e.g., pipes, tanks, and sources) that needs to be repaired or replaced.


·           A financial plan to ensure that we are able to continue the financially sound operation of our water systems over the twenty-year period.


·            A water rate study to focus on the detailed financial needs in the first five years of the plan.


How will Water Plan 2020 benefit me?


The 20-year plan will benefit you by:


·           Ensuring that there will be water to meet the future needs of our community and our children.


·           Addressing existing capacity deficiencies where water service is presently limited, resulting in denials in permits or water meters.


·           Improving water service reliability, especially when old or problem plagued infrastructure is replaced.


·            Operating the department in a financially self-sustaining manner.


·           Proactively preparing to meet the challenges of our future, rather than being caught unprepared.


·           Improving public safety and water quality by providing adequate water supply for fire protection and replacing old infrastructure.


How will Water Plan 2020 be financed?


The plan will be financed through the following adopted rate schedule, which moves from the existing uniform rate (i.e., you pay the same regardless of amount of water used) to an increasing block rate (i.e., the more you use, the more you pay).  This new rate structure is designed to encourage efficient use of our precious drinking water and will also encourage water conservation.  Our water is too precious to waste.  Agricultural rates are proposed to be maintained to support diversified agriculture in our community.

A cost of power adjustment clause is proposed for unanticipated large increases in power costs.


What are DOW's current water rates and charges?


Currently, all Kauai DOW customers pay a monthly service charge and a uniform use rate of  $1.78 / 1,000 gallons for all usage. 


Agricultural rates: 

First 25,000 gals @ $1.78 / 1,000 gallons

Over 25,000 gals @ $0.60 / 1,000 gallons



What are the new water rates and charges?



Monthly Service Charge:


                                       Effective              Effective 

  Meter   Current          July 1, 2001        July 1, 2003



  5/8”        $ 6.00                     9.00                  12.00


  Ύ”          $ 7.50                    12.00                 16.00

             $ 9.00                    18.00                 25.00

  1 ½ ”    $ 18.00                    35.00                 45.00

           $ 30.00                    55.00                 75.00

           $ 60.00                  100.00               130.00

           $ 90.00                  115.00               220.00

          $187.75                  325.00               430.00

          $300.00                  520.00               680.00



Use Charge (Consumption charge per 1,000 gallons)


                               July 1, 2001     July 1, 2003



First Block                $2.10                     2.76

Second Block           $2.40                     3.20

Third Block               $3.40                     4.50



Meter Thresholds


The First, Second, and Third Block rates apply within use ranges identified by “Thresholds”.  The threshold varies with the size of meter.  The cost of water will depend on how much water is used during the bi-monthly meter reading period.  The Block Thresholds are as follows:



                  First                           Second                           Third

Meter   Rate Block                    Rate Block                   Rate Block

Size      (gallons) used              (gallons) used               (gallons) used  

             bi-monthly                     bi-monthly                  bi-monthly


5/8”    First 20,000                    20,001-40,000                       > 40,000


Ύ”      First 70,000                    70,001-140,000                      > 140,000

       First 200,000                 200,001-400,000                     > 400,000

1 ½”   First 600,000                 600,001-1,200,000                  > 1,200,000

       First 1,200,000           1,200,001-2,400,000                  > 2,400,000

       First 3,000,000           3,000,001-6,000,000                  > 6,000,000

       First 6,000,000           6,000,001-12,000,000                > 12,000,000

       First 15,000,000       15,000,001-30,000,000                > 30,000,000

       First 30,000,000       30,000,001-60,000,000                > 60,000,000



Agricultural Rates (Charge per 1,000 gallons):


                                                       Effective           Effective                           

                                                   July 1, 2001      July 1, 2003      


First 25,000 gallons                          $2.10                $2.76

Over 25,000 gallons                        $0 .70                $1.38



How can I learn more about Water Plan 2020 and the new rates and charges?


For more information, call Gregg Fujikawa, Project Engineer 245-5416 or Kymm Solchaga, DOW Public Information Specialist, at 245-5455.



How to Calculate your Water Bill


Meter Size___________


Monthly Service Charge_______


Consumption Charge_____________


Block Threshold:      1st Block                           

                                2nd Block                                 

                                3rd Block                                 


1st Block                       x                                       

2nd Block                      x                                       

3rd Block                      x                                       


Total Gallons                                         Total Use Charge                  


Service Charge                          x  2 (months)                            


                        Total Bi-Monthly Water Bill                                           



1.        Using the Monthly Service Charge Table from this brochure, determine your meter size based on the water service charge from your water bill and divide by two.  

2.        Determine Bi-Monthly Block Thresholds (Varies with meter size)

3.        Calculate use charge (Consumption charge per 1,000 gallons)

4.        Example using the new rate structure: 


Meter Size:  5/8” Meter    


Monthly Service Charge:       $9.00 


Block Threshold:    

        First Block:               First 20,000

        Second Block:          20,001 - 40,000

        Third Block:              over 40,000


Consumption:   50,000 gallons for two months


  First Block:                  20,000    x    $ 2.10   =                    $ 42.00

  Second Block:             20,000    x    $ 2.40   =                    $ 48.00

  Third Block:                10,000     x    $ 3.40   =                    $ 34.00


Total Consumption:    50,000   


Total Use Charge:                                                              $ 124.00


Service Charge:            2 months  x $9.00                         $18.00


Total Bi-Monthly Water Bill:                                             $142.00


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