WaterPlan 2020

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Water Plan 2020



The Kaua’i Department of Water and members of the Water Board are in the process of preparing a 20 year plan known as “Water Plan 2020”.  This is a comprehensive, long range planning effort, to ensure that we continue to provide safe, affordable and sufficient drinking water in the 21st century for our community.  The plan will review existing facilities, and service standards and provide an outline for new and replacement facilities, a capital improvement program for the next 5-7 years,  a financial plan, and a rate study.

 Kauai’s  Department of Water operates 13 separate, unconnected water systems spread out along our island from Kekaha to Haena.  Pumping water from 48 underground wells and tunnels and storing it in 43 tanks, DOW delivers water to nearly 18,000 accounts through 400 miles of pipeline.  Many of the water systems date back to the plantation era, and some pipelines are 80-100 years old.

Water Plan 2020 is focused on potable water, used for drinking and fire protection.  It addresses the sources, infrastructure, and funding needed to deliver potable water.  The plan will not cover issues involving  water for agriculture, stream standards, and watershed management.  These issues are the focus of other state and local planning and regulatory processes.

DOW has engaged a consultant team to help in preparing Water Plan 2020. The team is led by CH2M Hill, a nationwide company with expertise in water planning and engineering.  Providing local expertise is the Kauai firm of Kodani & Associates.  Another member of the team is R.W. Beck, a Seattle firm. 

To explain the project and elements of Water Plan 2020, the DOW has scheduled three rounds of public information meetings.  The first round of meetings that were completed gave basic information about the Board, and the Water Department, and the job of supplying drinking water throughout the island.  Additional  meetings will be scheduled for late fall 2000 to report study findings and Water Plan 2020 recommendations.   We are also offering the presentations to community organizations.  To schedule a presentation or for brochures, contact Kymm Solchaga, Public Relations, at 245-5455. For questions about the project itself, contact Gregg Fujikawa, Project Manager, at 245-5416.

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