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Rates and Charges        



1.       In addition to the service charge, for all water drawn, where such water is used for agriculture, stock raising, or dairy farming on a commercial basis, there shall be charged, as of the effective dates indicated, the following water use rates


Gallons Used Bi-Monthly Charge

Per 1,000 Gallons

Effective July 1, 2001

First 25,000 gallons             $2.10

25,000 gallons                    $0.70



2.       In order to obtain the above-agricultural rates, the applicant shall file annually with the Department of Water a written application and shall furnish annually satisfactory proof, including State of Hawaii General Excise Tax License for the engagement of business in agriculture, stock raising or dairy farming on a commercial basis.  The bi-monthly usage of 25,000 gallons is based on the assumption that only one dwelling exists on the farm premises.  In the event that more than one dwelling is served, then the higher rate shown for each period shall apply to the product of 25,000 gallons times the number of dwellings served.  The applicant for agricultural rates must agree to accepting service from the Department of Water on an interruptible basis; i.e., the Department retains the right to limit or restrict water flow for agricultural uses in the event of water shortage or in the event water service to domestic users is curtailed due to agricultural uses.  The agricultural rates shall not apply to processing activities, such as canneries, mills, markets or other establishments engaged in the conversion, treatment or packaging of agricultural products.  


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