Water Board
        Calendar & Agendas


     Organization Chart


     Rules & Regulations
             Part I
             Part II
             Part III
                Section 1
                Section 2-3
                Section 4-5
                Section 6-7
                Section 8-9
                Section 10-12
                Section 13
                Section 14-16
             Part IV














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PART 3 - Section 6 - 7



within the County of Kauai

and Providing Penalties for the Violations Thereof






1.            General Requirement.  The subdivider shall install in accordance with these rules and regulations and the standards of the Department and pay for the subdivision water system required within a subdivision.


2.            Increase in Size of Water Mains with Subdivisions for Benefit of Other Areas.  Whenever, in order to provide for existing or future services beyond the boundaries of a subdivision, the Department finds that the mains to be installed within the subdivision should be of greater capacity than would be required to provide adequate service within such subdivision, the Department will require the subdivider to make installations of such greater capacity.


3.            Reimbursement to Subdivider for Additional Costs of Water Mains within Subdivisions.  When the subdivider is required to install a larger-sized main for the reasons set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Department will reimburse the subdivider, as soon as practicable after acceptance by the Department of the completed work, the additional cost of the installation over and above the cost of the mains that would have been required; provided, however, that in no case will reimbursement be made of any portion of the cost of a main of less than 6-inch in diameter; provided, further, that reimbursement will not be made to the subdivider where such larger main or mains will serve only areas under the same ownership as the subdivision under consideration.


After the installation has been completed and accepted by the Department, the subdivider shall furnish the Department with an affidavit itemizing the costs incurred by him in the installation of the said larger mains.  The said additional costs shall be determined by the Department.







1.         Sizes of Mains.  Any subdivision, except where fire protection facilities are not required by the Department, hereafter to be laid out within the County shall provide 6-inch water mains or larger in residential districts and 8-inch water mains or larger in business, industrial and hotel and apartment districts.  Sizing of mains within agricultural subdivisions and subdivisions where fire protection facilities are not required shall be determined by the Department.


2.            Hydrant Spacing.  Fire hydrants shall be spaced not more than 350 feet in business, industrial, hotel and apartment districts, 500 feet in urban residential districts and 600 feet in rural residential district (Urban and rural refer to boundaries established by the State Land Use Commission).  Fire hydrants may not be required in agricultural subdivision as determined by the Department.  The Department will determine the location of all hydrants.  All fire hydrants required for adequate fire protection of a subdivision will normally be located within the subdivision.


If, in the interest of better fire protection, it is determined that one or more of the required hydrants will serve the subdivision to better advantage if located outside the subdivision, they may be so located and the cost shall still be borne by the subdivider, subject to the limitation that the cost to the subdivider shall not exceed the cost to him which would have resulted had all the hydrants been located inside the limits of the subdivision.


3.         Fire Protection.  In fixing the standards for fire protection insofar as water supply is concerned, the Department will be guided by the standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters in “Grading Cities and Towns of the United States with Reference to Their Fire Defenses and Physical Conditions” and by any specific recommendations made by the said National Board with respect to the County.  




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