Water Board
        Calendar & Agendas


     Organization Chart


     Rules & Regulations
             Part I
             Part II
                Section 1
                Section 2
                Section 3-5
                Section 6
                Section 7-10
                Section 11-15
                Section 16-19
                Section 20
                Section 21-23
              Part III
             Part IV
























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PART 2 - Section 21 - 23










1.         Private fire service will be furnished only where adequate provision is made to prevent diversion of water through such service to other purposes.  The fire service connection will be installed by the Department and shall be paid for by the consumer in accordance with the provisions for the installation of new service connections.  After the water is turned on, the Department assumes no liability for damage of any kind whatsoever that may occur to the premises served, regardless of cause.


2.         No charge will be made for water used through such connection for fire protection purposes but any water lost through leakage or used in violation of the conditions contained herein shall be paid for by the consumer at the regular schedule of water rates and charges.  The Department may, without giving notice, disconnect and remove the said service connection if water is used for other than fire protection purposes, or if leaks are not corrected.  Whenever such disconnection is in effect, the Department shall not be held in any way liable for loss or damage sustained due to such condition.


3.         Service charges will be enforced if such charges are called for in the rates established by the Department from time to time.


4.         The service connection for automatic fire service shall be installed and paid for by the consumer in the same manner as that provided for regular water service described in Part 2, Section VI, except that no facilities reserve charge will be made.  Private fire service may be metered with a detector check valve and a by-pass meter which will be furnished by the Department without cost to the consumer.  The service connection shall become the property of the Department after the installation.






An application for the purchase of water by a ship shall be made at the office of the Department or to an authorized agent of the Department by an authorized officer or agent of the ship before water is delivered to said ship.  A receipt for the quantity of water delivered to the ship at the pier, dock or wharf shall be signed before departure by the authorized officer or agent of said ship.  All water shall be measured by water meters and the authorized officer or agent of the ship shall check the meter readings both at the start and at the finish of each delivery of water.  In the event that the meter readings are not taken by said officer or agent, the readings of the Department’s authorized agent will be final.  The Department will not be held responsible for any damage to property or injury to persons arising from the delivery of water to ships at piers, docks or wharves.  The amount to be paid for water shall be in accordance with the rates established by the Board.





1.         Use of Fire Hydrant.  Any use of a fire hydrant or tampering therewith or the taking of water therefrom for purposes other than fire protection by persons other than authorized employees of the Fire Department or of the Department is prohibited, except upon prior application to and written permit by the Department.  The Fire Department shall have the prior right to use any hydrant at any time and shall have the authority to remove peremptorily, if necessary, in case of fire, any connection that may be made to a hydrant under a permit and the connection thereto shall be subject to the direction and approval of the Department.  The consumer shall not use hydrant main line valves to control flows.


2.            Application for Permit.  Application for a permit for the use of a fire hydrant for purposes other than fire protection shall be made in writing to the Department and, when required, shall be accompanied by a deposit in cash.  It shall be non-transferable and shall be shown upon demand by the permittee, its agents or employees.  The Department reserves the right to reject any application, to refuse to issue any permit and to revoke any permit at any time.  The Department also reserves the right to perform for the permittee at his expense the work of installing and removing the connections and of operating the hydrant.  No permit will be issued unless the permittee agrees to notify the Department as soon as the use of the hydrant is finished.  In the event that a permit shall be revoked the use of the hydrant thereunder shall cease immediately and all connections thereto shall be properly removed forthwith.  The Department will inspect each hydrant which has been used under a permit, and all costs of repairs which the Department may adjudge to be due to such use and the cost of inspection shall be paid for by the permittee.  All water drawn from a hydrant under permit shall be metered or estimated as to quantity in a manner satisfactory to the Department and shall be paid for by the permittee at the current water rates.  The permittee shall pay all of the costs of connecting to and disconnecting from the hydrant.


3.            Hydrant Wrenches.  Only regulation fire hydrant wrenches which shall have been approved by the Department shall be used for the operation of fire hydrants.  The use of any other type of wrench or operating device shall not be permitted.  The permit will be revoked if other than approved regulation fire hydrant wrenches are used.


4.            Damage to Hydrant or Property.  The permittee shall report promptly any defect in or damage to the hydrant.  The cost of any damage to property or of any injury to persons resulting from the use of the hydrant shall be paid for by the permittee.  The Department will not be held responsible for any damage to property or injury to persons arising from the use of any hydrant for any cause whatsoever.  Any damage to fire hydrants shall be paid for by the person or organization responsible for the damage.


5.            Change in Hydrant Location.  The Department will, if it approves the request for a change in ‘location of hydrant, change such location provided the cost of all labor, material, equipment and all other charges are paid by the person requesting such change. The change in location of fire hydrants that were installed prior to the adoption of these rules and were not installed according to present standards of the Department and which interfere with the reasonable use of the property or hydrants which cause a traffic hazard may be allowed at no expense to the person making such request.  




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