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Water Conservation

Despite Kauaʻi being known as one of the wettest spots on Earth, our isolated location limits our access to freshwater resources. The Department of Water is committed to conserving our most precious resource by coordinating with State and County agencies to develop water conservation plans and implementing Department programs and practices to understand and mitigate system water loss. In conjunction with those efforts, we promote and facilitate various public outreach and education programs to elevate awareness and encourage water conservation.

Free Low Flow Fixtures


The Department of Water is offering free low flow fixtures to help our customers conserve both water and money.

Request a fixture by downloading and filling in the low flow fixture form, then bring it to the Department of Water and turn it into the Public Relations Specialist of the Administration Division.

If you have any questions regarding the fixtures, please call the Public Relations Specialist at (808) 245-5461.

Leaks and Detection

Faucet with water drip

Learn how to fix a faucet leaks and other tips for around the home.

Toilet Leak Detection Tablets

Toilet leak detection tablets are available year-round in our main lobby. The tablets (2) are provided on a brochure with instructions and is available near the billing services windows and on the brochure rack in the main lobby.

Water Saving Tips

Conserving water doesn’t require a big lifestyle change. You can save hundreds of dollars per year and, more importantly, help preserve our water for future generations by utilizing water-efficient fixtures and incorporating simple water-saving practices.

Public Service Announcement Videos

Put a nozzle on your garden hose.

Don’t water lawns between 9am – 5pm.

Turn off the water when you shampoo or shave.

Tips Around the House

Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. An open tap releases 3 gallons of water per minute. Before brushing, wet your brush, and fill a tumbler to rinse your mouth.3 gallons per minute
Turn off the water while shaving. Fill a small container or the bottom of the sink with a few inches of water to rinse your razor.3 gallons per minute
Make every flush count. The toilet is the biggest water user in the house, taking up to 5 gallons of water with every flush. Don’t use the toilet as an ashtray or wastebasket.3 gallons per minute
Check bathroom faucets and pipes for leaks. 1/5 gallon per minute, or 8,640 gallons per month
Keep tub baths to a minimum. Bathe in a partially-filled tub (minimal water level at 12 gallons).24 gallons
Put a plastic container or toilet dam in your tank to reduce flush water. Place a plastic quart bottle filled with water in the tank safely away from the operating mechanism. This will displace some of the space normally taken by water, yet still allow normal flushing.0.25 gallons per flush
Check your toilet for leaks. Put a few drops of food coloring in your toilet tank. If the coloring appears in the toilet bowl without flushing, you have a wasteful leak that should be repaired at once.Possibly hundreds of gallons.
Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors. Inexpensive shower heads and flow restrictors are available at the hardware store and are easy to install. These still allow cleansing, refreshing showers. Up to 75% per shower
Take shorter showers. Limit your showers to the time it takes to wet yourself and rinse off.21 gallons
Wait until you have a full load before using your automatic washing machine. 33 gallons
Before washing badly-stained clothing, soak them by hand.2 gallons
Don’t hose down your sidewalk, patio or driveway with water. Use a broom or rake for cleaning, and save hundreds of gallons of water.Up to 10 gallons per minute
Use a pail and sponge instead of a running hose to wash your car. Or, use a hose nozzle that shuts off water when you are not wetting or rinsing the car.Up to 10 gallons per minute
Make sure outside water taps are turned off when not in use, and check for leaks in faucets, property pipes and plumbing fixtures at least once each month. To check for leaking pipes, listen for the sound of running water, or look for unexplained ponding of water near property pipelines. Close all water outlets (faucets and taps) and check your water meter. Lift the meter cover and observe: if the reading dials show movement, you may have a hidden leak that needs repair.Thousands of gallons per month
Don’t let the faucet run while cleaning vegetables. Instead, rinse them in a sink or bowl filled with clean water.3 gallons per minute
Steam, rather than boil your vegetables whenever possible. Use a tight lid on the pot, and as little water as possible. Up to 5 gallons, depending on pot size
Thaw frozen foods ahead of time, not under running water.3 gallons per minute
Check faucets and pipes for leaks (including automatic ice makers and dishwasher hoses). 8,640 gallons per month for 1/5 gallon per minute leak
Keep a container of drinking water in the refrigerator. Remember; running the tap to cool water for drinking loses 3 gallons per minute.3 gallons per minute
When washing dishes by hand, rinse them first in a sink filled with water, rather than under a running tap.3 gallons per minute
Don’t overuse garbage disposals. Use the disposal only at the end of cooking or cleanup periods, or when full.3 gallons per minute
Restaurants and other food establishments should serve water only upon request. This saves on drinking water plus the water needed to wash glasses.Thousands of gallons for serving and cleaning
  • Choose “unthirsty” plants which need less water to grow. Your local university extension service county agent or neighborhood garden shop can tell you which plants are drought-resistant and require very little water. Many island plants and shrubs fall into this category.
  • Water your lawn during the early morning or evening hours to minimize evaporation loss. It also achieves greater soil saturation, and provides better plant absorption of the water.
  • Water on calm days to avoid loss of sprinkler water by strong winds.
  • Watering schedules differ depending upon the interior climate of a house plant. In air-conditioned rooms, which are drier, water at two- to three-day intervals. In warmer, damper environments, watering once or twice a week is sufficient for most plants.
  • Avoid over-watering. If runoff occurs, stop watering immediately. Adjust automatic sprinklers and/or select proper nozzles to minimize runoff.
  • Use mulch or grass clippings around plant bases to retain moisture.
  • Deep penetration through soaking is more effective for most of your lawn. Several light sprinklings may be more useful on slopes and hilly areas, in the shade, or where the soil is sandy, rocky, or full of coral.
  • Use the touch test to see if your plant needs watering. Poke your finger into the soil about 1/2-inch down. If the soil feels relatively dry, it’s time to water.
  • Place pots in pans a little larger than their bottoms, and fill half of the pans so that plants can draw water from the tray through capillary action.


Xeriscaping is a landscaping method that focuses on reducing water usage by selecting drought-tolerant plants and using efficient irrigation techniques. It is especially useful in arid regions or areas experiencing water shortages. Xeriscaping incorporates elements like native plants, mulch, and efficient watering systems to create beautiful, low-maintenance landscapes that thrive with minimal water. This environmentally friendly approach helps conserve water, reduce maintenance costs, and promote sustainable gardening practices.