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Pay Your Water Bill

The Department of Water offers various options to pay your bill. You can also learn how to read your water bill or learn more about rates and charges.

Payment Options

Payment MethodInstructionsPayment Types Accepted
OnlinePay your bill online.Debit or credit card
A transaction fee of 2.9% + .30c will apply.
In personWalk-in bill payments are accepted at our service windows located in the main lobby. Cash, check or money order
KioskLocated in the lobby (open during business hours only).

Department of Water, County of Kauaʻi
4398 Pua Loke Street
Lihuʻe, HI 96766
Debit or credit card
A transaction fee of 2.7% will apply.
DropboxLeave your payment 24/7 in our parking lot dropbox or during business hours only in our lobby dropbox.

Department of Water, County of Kauaʻi
4398 Pua Loke Street
Lihuʻe, HI 96766
Check or money order payments only, NO CASH
By mailMail in your payment using the envelope enclosed with your statement.

Department of Water, County of Kauaʻi
4398 Pua Loke Street
Lihuʻe, HI 96766
Check or money order payments only


Yes. As long as they have your account number, copy of your bill or physical address to identify the correct billing account.

To set up, complete and submit an Automatic Bill Payment (ABP) form, along with a voided blank check to our office either in person, by email, or via postal mail.

To stop an auto payment, you will need to contact our office at (808) 245-5442 or to stop or cancel ABP services.

No, meter readers do not accept bill payments. You may pay via mail, online through our Customer Account Portal, or establish automatic bill payment (ABP) service.

The Department of Water utilizes a payment service provider, which is located on Oʻahu.

We bill by 1,000 gallons, so your usage could be in the same range every month.

The DOW’s rules and regulations require a service charge per month based on the size of the meter, or its service capacity equivalence in the case of parallel meters. The monthly service charge is a fixed charge to recover the cost of service to operate and maintain the infrastructure put in place to deliver the water supply.

Please call us at (808) 245-5442 or email so we can confirm that your mailing address and contact information is correct.

Customers may find this information online in the customer account portal or on their January statement. It will list 13 months of prior consumption and charges under the ‘Usage Profile’ located in the top left-hand corner of the bill.

Usage profile
Sample usage profile from billing statement.
Payment drop box

There is a 24-hour payment drop box located in the parking lot. CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYMENTS ONLY. Do not submit cash. You may also pay your bill via our online Customer Account Portal.

Still Have Questions?

Call us at (808) 245-5442 and we’ll be glad to help.